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eflora Florist Website
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you’ll find the most common questions we get asked from florists. If you have a question but can’t find it below, send us an email at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
I would like an eflora website - where do I sign up?Signing up for eflora ecommerce websites for florists, couldn’t be simpler. You can sign up here by completing our online form.
Is eflora available to ROI Members?eflora, our ecommerce websites for florists,is available to ROI Members, and available in Euros.
Do I need to be an existing Interflora member to have an eflora website?Our ecommerce websites are available to ALL florists, not just Interflora members. Signing up to an eflora website automatically gives you access to our Order Management System (ROSEGold). Your website will be merchandised with your own product range and orders will be sent just to you for fulfilment. For more products and even more orders, upgrade your membership to include access to our relay services. Our relay services automatically link you to the best florist network in the UK and Ireland with over 1000 members, all quality approved to Interflora standards. It also provides access to an international florist network delivering to over 130 different countries. We have a number of packages available to suit all florist business models. Click here for more information.
Do I need to check my website everyday?It is up to you how often you check your website as orders are processed automatically and transmitted to ROSEGold for you. We’ll make sure your website stays up to date and seasonal but it’s a good idea to check your site regularly, so you know what your customers are seeing when they visit your online shop window.
What is included in the costs?Please refer to our Pricing page herefor a full breakdown of the charges relating to eflora.
Will I get my local online orders?Yes, in two ways. Local orders can be defined by either the product type or the location it is going to be delivered to. Your own product range can be sold on your website and will only be sent to you for delivery. You should also provide us with the locations you deliver to and all orders placed on your site for those locations will come to you (except if you are closed for any reason (including holidays).
How long will it take for my new website to go live?Complete our sign-up application and provide all the necessary information and we’ll start building your beautiful new website straight away. We aim to have your site live in less than 2 weeks.
What happens once my website is set up?Once your website is set up you will be able to start marketing it to your customers. Our brilliant welcome pack, which you’ll receive in time for launch, includes a personalised window vinyl, social media images, customer email and press release templates so you can start promoting your website straight away. Within the first 6 months of your site going live, we’ll also provide you with lots of regular email tips on how to build your customer base and market your website locally so you can make the most of eflora.
Do I need to do anything once my website is launched?All updates and changes to your website, for example, product changes, will occur automatically. It’s a good idea to regularly see how your website is performing by checking your order volumes, the number of visitors to your site and by monitoring calls to see if the customer has called as a result of seeing your website. This information will help you to understand the success of your marketing.
How can I update my website?Think of your website as another shop window, when you update your shop for new occasions/promotions/seasons etc, then think about changing the copy on your website too. You can also use your website to promote local products, events and specialities such as your wedding, funeral and corporate work. The best way to make the most of the pages on your website is to think about how you set out your content. Write paragraphs under the headers of: Weddings - Write about the wedding packages you offer and include images of your designs for inspiration. Funerals/Sympathy – show imagery of your bespoke designs and product shots. Corporate – name some of your corporate clients, feature their logos (with their permission) and get some testimonials from them to include too. Show case your gifts and Finishing Touches – teddy’s, chocolates and candles etc. Please send all change requests to Alternatively, you can use your unique login details to make changes yourself using the self-service options.
Will my website look the same as and multiple eflora designs and page layouts to choose from will give your website a truly unique look which is very different to Your website will prominently feature your logo and all your shop information so customers will unmistakably know that it is your shop. Your website can also feature optional Interflora branding for customer trust, loyalty and brand recognition
How secure will my website be?Our eflora website operates under the same levels of security as and has an SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) certificate including the trusted padlock symbol to improve your customers’ experience and conversion to orders. Your website also has a safe and secure payment page hosted by the UK's leading provider, World Pay, including Address Verification (AVS) which checks addresses against card issuers records during the payment process to help guard against online fraud.
Can I link from my eflora website out to another website?Yes, you can create relevant site links on your website.
Can I link into my eflora website from another website?Yes, we do recommend that you try to arrange links into your site from other relevant sites as this may also help your site to be found by search engines.
Do I need to set up an e-mail account?Yes as, in addition to your telephone number, it provides another useful way for your customers to contact you. If you do not have an e-mail account, we will register one for you and provide you with all of the information on how to regularly access and monitor emails.
How will I know orders are from my site?Your clearing house statement will clearly show eflora orders.
Who owns the customer data captured on an order?The customer relationship belongs to the website owner (you), the florist they have placed their order with. You will be able to contact your customers (as long as they have opted in to receive correspondence from you). You retain your local customer data and if you use the Interflora relay network to have your customer’s order fulfilled by another florist, Interflora will retain that customer data.
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