Time flies when you have a website with eflora, can you believe it's our six month birthday already? For our eflora subscribers it's certainly been a very busy few months with fantastic performance stats like these:
To celebrate our birthday we're taking a trip down memory lane to see what has happened over the last six months...
We've achieved a lot already this year and we're not stopping there, we've got lots of plans for the rest of the year - watch this space!
You only turn six months old once so we've created a fantastic offer. But be quick! It will only be around until 30th April.
To make the most of this fantastic offer, get in touch with us at eflora-digital@interflora.co.uk
*£79 per month for the remaining eight months of the 12 month contract. Order commission will still be charged at the usual rate per order for the full 12 months.