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Setting up your eflora florist website


Setting up a new eflora florist website or moving your provider over to eflora is super easy - probably a lot easier than you think. And did you know that we can have your new eflora website up and running within a matter of days*?

We've outlined the process of setting up your fabulous new florist website below:

Step 1 - Fill out our simple florist website application form which captures

eflora florist website sign up form

everything we need from you to create your fab new website. The form takes around 20 minutes to complete and you'll be asked questions about your business, website domain (your website's address) and the details you'd like to feature on your new website such as contact details, opening hours and local products. There's also an option on the form to choose if you'd like a new (and free) logo creating by our wonderful website designer, Kori. Our Business Development Team are also on hand to answer any questions you might have or to help you fill out the form if you need a hand, meet the team here.

Step 2 - Once we've received your eflora application, our fab digital


product assistant, Ritchie, will check we have everything we need from you filled out on the form. If we're missing any information, we'll give you a call but if not then Ritchie will get started with your website's set up.

Step 3 - If you've asked us to create a new website domain then we'll get this registered for you. If you're choosing to transfer your domain over to your new website, then we'll talk you through how to do this step by step. We'll also ask Kori to create your new logo (if required) at this stage.

Step 4 - We'll take the information you've provided us with on the application form to build your brand new website - this includes adding any of your local products, adding your delivery locations and personalising your site with any shop imagery you've sent us. Take a look at our website features or see some site examples here to see what you could achieve with an eflora florist website. Our SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) gurus, Impression, will optimise the copy on your florist website to increase the visibility of your site on search engines such as Google and Bing.

Example of eflora florist website

Step 5 - We'll let you know once your website is live and send you over the 'keys' so that you can manage and update your site 24/7 with Myeflora (don't worry, we'll still be on hand to make changes to your website if you'd rather).

Step 6 - Look out for an email from us with your new subscriber marketing

pack which includes social media icons, an email template and tips on how to

Marketing pack examples

market your website - these tools will help you promote your new website and generate more orders. Keep your website updated with any changes to your shop opening hours, contact details and to add your local seasonal collections. Look out for our monthly newsletters which include important eflora news, updates and handy tips.

Step 7 - Our hands on support approach means that we'll check in with you regularly to make sure your eflora florist website is generating as many online orders as possible for you. We'll be in touch with health check calls and provide you with an annual Digital Presence and Performance Report to see how your website is performing.

eflora Digital Presence and Performance Report Example
eflora Digital Presence and Performance Report Example

Sounds pretty straight forward, right? What are you waiting for? Sign up to eflora now and watch your online sales blossom. Find out more about our website features here and find out why we're so much more than just any other old website provider.


If you're an eflora subscriber, access our exclusive content by joining our private Facebook group.


*eflora websites can be created within 36 hours (excluding bank holidays, weekends and peak trading periods) of receiving your application providing we have been provided with all of the information we need from you.

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