Wedding season is nearly here and with most Covid-19 restrictions long gone, we expect this to be a blossoming few months for florists. Our eflora florists can really make the most of it and showcase their unique style with our bespoke wedding content page which can be personalised to them with imagery and testimonials from their happy brides. Featuring a handy consultation form on the page, brides-to-be can easily get in touch with them.
Take a look at some these great examples:

For our eflora florists, it's as simple as sending us the details and imagery they'd like to feature and we'll turn it into a fantastic page on their website. Plus, content pages like these are great for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation - what helps to improve where a website is listed on search engines such as Google and Bing).

It feels like a distant memory now but eflora’s Mother’s Day performance is something our subscribers are celebrating. Take a look at these awesome stats:

(Revenue per session - the average amount of money generated by every unique session to your website.)
Can your current website do all of this for you? Book your demo today by emailing eflora-digital@interflora.co.uk and see what you can achieve with an eflora website.