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Stunning high performance florist websites


Industry-leading websites suitable for all florists ready to grow your local online business. We’ll build you a website just as beautiful as your floral designs, bring you cutting-edge technology and deliver tried and tested ways to engage your customers, as well as continually analysing, updating and developing your site to get you more orders at a higher value.

Creating a beautiful florist website has never been easier with eflora

eflora florist website example

We’ll build you a website that captures your shop’s personality and flair to help you stand out on online. Show off your unique style and personalise your website by adding and selling your own signature local products at your own prices.

Powered by innovative technology and integrated with the ROSEGold order management system, your customers will enjoy a seamless order experience. They can place local orders with you directly and for orders outside of your delivery area, we’ll find a nearby florist through the Interflora network, allowing you to earn extra commission without manually inputting the order.

Let us handle all the hard work for you or if you’d rather, you can manage your site yourself using Myeflora. The choice is yours. You’ll also receive monthly reports and regular health-check calls to make sure your eflora website is performing at its best. With over 100 years of experience in the floral industry and Interflora as our parent company your florist website is in good hands.

Stand out from the crowd with eflora

  • Add your own products and pricing – personalise your website by adding and selling your own local products, as well as your own finishing touches and giftware.

  • Seamless integration with Interflora’s delivery technology – that saves you time and money. It also provides your customers with a unique, industry leading service.

  • Bespoke content pages – showcase your individuality with unlimited content pages where you can share images of your wedding, funeral and corporate work.

  • Customer ease – with a live Google Map on your homepage and click and collect enabled, customers will find it effortless to place an order to pick up.

  • SEO* copy on all pages – with a local focus to enhance your website’s visibility on search engines such as Google and Bing. Meet our SEO experts here.

  • Set your own delivery prices for local products – for deliveries that are close by you may want to charge a little less, or if they’re further afield a higher price might be more suitable.

Why choose eflora?

  • Free marketing pack to get you started including a window vinyl personalised with your website address to display in your shop.

  • Free social media and website assets to promote new ranges and products.

  • Access to our private Facebook group filled with hints and tips on how to make the most out of your website, plus other digital marketing support.

  • Monthly newsletters including details of new site updates and features.

  • Free logo and banner design service to help your business stand out. Take a look at our Design Services here.

  • Receive a personalised annual Digital Presence and Performance Report with tips on how you can improve your online visibility.

What do your fellow florists say about eflora?

Ann Baff Flowers
"Love our eflora site… Amazed at how much our website traffic and orders have increased since the eflora launch. Would 100% recommend."

Sarah Smith -

Gareth Davies - The Flower Shop Oxford
"Commitment to enhancements and improvements is impressive… I would recommend to any florist looking to grow internet sales."

Stephanie Noble from Pickerings, Barnsley
"Love my eflora website. Fabulous service and it is always updated for every season. Lovely fresh and modern looking website."

Stephanie Noble -

Does your current website do all this for you?

Click to find out more about our website features, take a look at some of our site examples or sign up.


If you're already an eflora subscriber, access our exclusive content by joining our private Facebook group.

*Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – what helps to improve where your website is listed on search engines such as Google and Bing.


Does your current website do all of this for you? 
Sign up to eflora now.
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Powered by Interflora British Unit, Interflora House, Watergate, Sleaford Lincolnshire, England, NG34 7TB
Company Reg. No. 297087 - VAT No. 0853 1257 35   |   © by Interflora British Unit. 

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