Over the past couple of years, subscription flowers have really blossomed. Customers can have an ongoing supply of fresh flowers delivered directly to their door, usually on a monthly basis but sometimes as regularly as weekly or
bi-monthly. They’re great as a gift (that keeps on giving) but also for a little self-care - after all nothing beats receiving a bouquet of beautiful blooms, right?
Did you know? You can create your own subscription flowers product offering on your florist website - eflora or not. We’ll show you how below…
Step 1 - Create a new local product on your website. For eflora subscribers, you can
do this in a few simple steps using Myeflora (watch our How To Video here,) Fill out
the required details and add the value of the subscription package you would like to offer (don't forget to include your delivery costs within this value!).
Step 2 - Add your chosen product imagery, showcasing a few different designs. For eflora subscribers, we've put together some imagery that you could use (see your February newsletter for more details). Write a short product description including any Ts&Cs.
Step 3 - When you receive a subscription order make a note of each delivery. There are plenty of tools you can use for these reminders or you could even just jot them down on your calendar! For eflora florists, you could create a reminder using ROSEGold > My Account > Calendar, then click the ‘+’ sign at the top of the calendar, fill in the order details and select ‘Event’ from the Even Type drop down menu - this will create an event reminder on your ROSEGold homepage so that you don't miss a delivery.
It’s as simple as that! Why not create a couple of subscription flower products ready for Mother’s Day?
The Flower Shop in Oxford have already set up their subscription gifts on their eflora website - how fab do they look?!
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